Thursday, 27 August 2020


 Grade 2 created their first artwork in Grade 2. They are abstract but the titles they gave will give you a hint on what their work is about. ;)

Friday, 21 August 2020

Collaborating and Organising

Grade 2s worked together to come up with suggestions on what to include in our classroom essential agreements. They centered their thinking on RESPECT. We will make our choices and finalize our list on Monday. :)

GRADE 2 also has made their own choices of roles and responsibilities in the class.  See below their chosen roles:

Line Leader (boys) - TIM        Line Leader (girls) - SAE

Line Ender (boys) - KAITO        Line ender (girls) - MIZUKI

Board Monitor - LUKE

Cubby inspectors - ELLA and ASUKA

Table inspectors - PAULINE and MOE

Teacher Assistants - LEON and SARANG

Library Assistants - RINA and KAZU

Peace Keeper - LINGYI

Calendar Keeper - SOICHIRO

Schedule Keeper - ALEXANDRE

They will change roles every month. The next time they can choose new roles will be on Monday, 31st August.

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Welcome to Grade Two!

Hello my Grade 2s! Hop in to our new school year of fun and meaningful learning! I am Mrs J and I will be your teacher for this year. I am very excited to meet all of you. See you all soon! ☺️

Letters of Love

 In Language, we focused on letters, parts of a letter and types of letter. To apply our understanding, they wrote a letter to someone very ...